The comma style in Excel is also known as the thousand separator format that converts the large number values with the commas inserted as separators to distinguish the number value length into thousands, hundred thousand, millions, and so on.
When the user applies the comma format, it also adds decimal values to the numbers. So, in short, it works similarly to an accounting system format but it does not add any currency symbol to the number which accounting system formatting does.
The comma style separator could show the number values separated into lakhs or in million formats depending upon the region and default currency format selected within your system, but you can change it from lakhs to million and vice versa.
Like India follows a number value accounting system in lakhs and USA follows in millions. We have quick and easy steps mentioned below for you to apply comma style in Excel.
Apply Comma Style Using the Home tab
- First, select the cells or range of cells or the entire column where to apply the comma style.
- After that, go to the “Home” tab and click on the comma (,) icon under the “Number” group on the ribbon.
- Once you click on the comma (,) icon, your selected range will get applied with comma separators in the number values.
To increase or remove the decimal values from the numbers, simply select the range and then click on the “Increase or Decrease decimal value” icon under the same “Number” group on the ribbon.
Apply Comma Style Using Format Cells Option
- First, select the cells or range of cells or the entire column where to apply the comma style.
- After that, right click on the mouse and select the “Format Cells” option from the drop-down list.
- Once you click on “Format Cells” you will get the “Format Cells” dialog box opened.
- Now, under the “Number” tab, select the “Number” option and then checkmark the “Use 1000 Separator” box.
- In the end, Click OK, and your selected range will get applied with comma separators in the number values.
- To remove the decimal values, enter zero (0) in the “Decimal places” field.
Change the Comma Style Separators from Lakhs to Million format
Sometimes, comma separators show numbers values separated in lakhs due to the default region and currency format of your system, but can change the currency format to millions format by following the below steps:
- First, go to your system “Control Panel” and click on the “Change date, time, or number formats” link under the “Clock and Region” or “Region and Language” option. (Option names could be different depending on the Windows version)
- After that, click on “Additional Settings” within the “Region” dialog box.
- Once you click on “Additional Settings”, you will get the “Customize Format” dialog box opened.
- Now, select the “Currency” header and then select the format to million style format of separator commas option in digit grouping.
- In the end, click Apply and then Ok within the “Customize Format” dialog box and then in the “Region” dialog box.
- Once you are done, close and open the Excel file again and apply comma style and you will get your selected range will get applied with comma separators in thousand, hundred thousand, and million to the number values.
Apply Comma Style Using Keyboard Shortcut
Select the entire column or the range where to apply comma style and then press the Alt+ H + K keys and you will get your selected range applied with comma separators.