Excel Cell Style (Title, Calculation, Total, Headings…)

Last Updated: October 01, 2023

- Written by Puneet

In Excel, while working with data, sometimes it’s important to apply a specific formatting style to a cell or a range of cells. Now the thing is, it takes effort to create a style of formatting for specific data.

But the good news is: In Excel, there are pre-defined styles that you can use to apply to different cells.


Applying any of these styles is simple and easy. All you need to do is to select the cell on which you want to apply the style and then apply the style from the cell style dialog box.

In this tutorial, we will explore these cell styles and try to use some of the most useful formats (Title, Calculation, Total, and Heading).

Calculation Style

If you work with a lot of calculations in Excel, which is the core use of Excel in the real world, there’s a specific cell style that you can apply to the cell or a range of cells with a calculation.


In the following example, you have a sum formula in cell A15, and in this cell, we have applied the calculation style from the Excel cell styles.


As you can see, it has an orange font color, light grey as the cell color, and a light border around the cell.


If you try to apply these styles manually you need to use different options, but with the calculation cell style, you can do it with a single click.

Title Style

If you want to change a cell value as a title you can apply the title style from the cell styles.


With the title style, you get a thin font style and a font size of 18.


And you also have headings (1-4) styles to use on cell data.


In heading styles, you get a bold font style and a border at the bottom of the cell.


You also have a total cell style as well that could be useful for you if you work with accounting data.


Creating a New Style

Apart from the styles that you have, you can create a new style for yourself. At the bottom of the dialog box, click on “New Cell Style” and it will open the style dialog box.


From here, you have six different formatting options that you can include in your cell style.


But if you want to apply some precise formatting, you click on the format button to open the format option dialog box.


In the end, enter a name for your style and click OK to save.


Modify a Cell Style

You also have the option to modify any of the cell styles to edit and make a modification to it. It can be a custom style that you have created by you or it can be one of the pre-defined styles. All you need to do is to right-click on the style and click on “Modify”.


This will open the dialog box from where you can make changes to the style and save it.