Ready to use Excel Inventory Management Template [User form + Stock Sheet]

- Written by Puneet

Sometimes it’s really hard to track stock or inventory in a normal spreadsheet. And you do need a template that can help you to track your stock effectively.

So if you are searching for an Excel inventory management template that can help you track your stock easily then you are landed in a right place. For me, it’s an honor to tell you that here I have an amazing template in which you can track your inventory easily.

This is an automated template that will help you to save a lot of time. As all the formulas and data sheets are already arranged this way you don’t need to do anything. It’s simple, quick, and easy to use and I’m sure you’ll love it.


Here all the important insights are in a single sheet. And, you don’t have to worry about updating it again and again.

ready to use excel inventory management template for free download with dashboard for insights

These insights will get updated in real-time, as soon as you add new data. This dashboard will help you to track the following important insights.

Current Stock

This figure is the current stock units as of date. It will update with every single entry done by you for stock-in and stock-out. It will calculate by deducting stock-out from stock-in.

check out current stock from dashboard in this excel inventory management template

Stock Value

Stock value is the total value of the current stock after deducting stock out from stock in. It’s calculated by using the unit price of each product.

stock value in excel inventory management template

Stock In

Stock In is the units you have entered in stock-in data in the current month. If you are using pro version you can use the drop-down to check stock in quantity for previous months as well.

stockin in excel inventory management template

Stock In Return [Pro]

This section will show you the stock-in units which you have returned back to suppliers. In pro version, you can track them supplier-wise.

track stock in in ready to use excel inventory management template

Stock Out

The stock out is the units you have entered in stock out data in the current month. Using the drop-down menu, you can check for other months as well.

stockout in excel inventory management template

Stock Out Return [Pro]

This section will show you the stock-out units which your customers have returned back to you. In pro version, you can track them customer-wise.

track stock out in ready to use excel inventory management template

Category Wise Stock

The current stock value is for each product category. You can specify the category for each product in the product master sheet.

category wise current stock in excel inventory management template

Product Wise Stock and Reorder Level

This part of the dashboard will show you the product’s current stock and value. It will also tell you about the re-order level of a product. And, you will get an alert message if the stock level is less than the re-order level. There is a drop-down to select different products.

product level reorder status in excel inventory management template

User Forms

You can use these user forms to enter data. I have managed user forms in this way that you have to enter minimum data. Here are the things you can capture with these user forms.

New Product

By using this user form you can create a new product. The best part is we are using data from the product master to fill other user forms with minimum data.

Stock In

Whenever there is new stock, you can enter that stock using this user form. In this user form, you just have to insert the product name (using a drop-down list), supplier name, and quantity. It will get the rest of the data from your product master sheet.

enter stock in in excel inventory management template

Stock Out

Use this user form to enter stock-out data. All you have to enter, is the product name, customer name, and quantity. The rest of the data will be captured from the product master sheet.

enter stock out in excel inventory management template

Invoice Generation [Pro]

In the Pro Version, you can also generate invoices. With an invoice generation sheet, you can instantly create invoices & track data on the sheet. It just works like a stock-out user form, but specifically for invoices.

You can create a proper invoice with all the customer details & further you can also generate a custom report as well. This form stores data in the same sheet where you have stock-out data.

generate invoices with ready to excel inventory management template

Data Sheets

You can access the data sheets where the entire data will capture from user forms. Every entry in user forms has a serial number which you can use to refer to it.

Product Master

Product Master is the most important sheet in this template. Your all products will be listed here with details.

stock in sheet in excel inventory management template

Stock-In Sheet

The stock-in sheet will contain your entire stock-in data. Each entry is captured with a unique serial number, and you can use that serial number to refer to a specific entry. And, if you are using the pro version, the stock-in return will also be captured here in this sheet.

Stock-Out Sheet

Same as the stock-in sheet stock-out will contain the entire stock-out data. You can enter your data in this sheet using the stock-out user form. Entries in this form are also captured with a unique serial number. And, if you are using the pro version, the stock-out return will also be captured here in this sheet.

Customer Details [Pro]

You can enter customer details in this sheet which will further use in the stock user form to track customer-wise stock details.

customer sheet in ready to use excel inventory management template for free download

Supplier Sheet [Pro]

You can enter supplier details in this sheet which will further use in stock in user form to track supplier-wise stock details.

supplier sheet in ready to use excel inventory management template for free download


In this template, all the major insights are on the dashboard. But, you can also extract the following reports.

Stock Report

This stock report will be generated from your product master sheet. It will give you a complete summary of the current stock.

stock report in excel inventory management template

Customer Wise Stock Out [Pro]

You have the option to create a customer-wise report with a pivot table for stock out. It will show you the quantity and values of stock out.

get customer wise current stock report in ready to use excel inventory management template

Supplier Wise Stock Out [Pro]

You also have the option to create a supplier-wise report with a pivot table for stock out. It will show you the quantity and values of the stock.

get supplier wise current stock report in ready to use excel inventory management template

Product Wise Current Stock [Pro]

In one click you can also generate a product-wise current stock report. It will show you the product-wise quantity and value of the current stock.

get product wise current stock report in ready to use excel inventory management template


This template is user-friendly and easy to use, and here are some instructions to follow which will help you to use this template effectively

Menu Button

This template has a dynamic menu bar that has all the option buttons on it. You can call it anytime using this menu button.

menu button in excel inventory management template

From this menu bar, you can navigate to any of the data sheets, and user forms, and generate reports.

menu in excel inventory management template

Use the back button at the top of the menu bar to go to the dashboard

menu close button for excel inventory management template

Entering Data

As I have already mentioned that you have user-forms to capture your data. And, data from each user form will be captured into a separate data sheet. In the user form, after entering your data, click on the enter button to save the entry.

enter button in excel inventory management template in excel


  • Change the name of any worksheet.
  • Delete any worksheet.
  • Add or remove any cell, row, or column in the user form.

Things You Can Try

  • You can create your pivot table from data sheets (available in the pro version).
  • You can take a printout of your dashboard.
  • Before using this template make sure to enable macros.

Download Your Template

657 thoughts on “Ready to use Excel Inventory Management Template [User form + Stock Sheet]”

  1. I would like to use the spreadsheet as it seems to answer my immediate needs for a small inventory management tool with a Charity I am helping out. I am in the UK and I would like to have the currency symbols as £ – is there any way that I can change this please?

  2. Can you please share excel templet. what was the process to get the excel sheet.?

  3. Hi, I downloaded the pro-version and use the Invoice Generation to record stockouts. It works fine until the the stockout report reaches the row 999 and then it would not record any new Invoice transaction anymore. It just keeps on overwriting the last few rows every time you create a new invoice.

    Is there a limit of the number of transactions?

  4. Hi
    I need a tool to dispatch inventory in hub & spoke network

  5. How do you change the currency from $ to Pounds sterling£

  6. Hi
    Can the INV be changed to stock issue as all stock gets issued out
    and can you add a stock count function and bin locations then I will pay for the provision

  7. How can we manage set items/Assembly items in this sheet.

  8. pouvez me l’envoyer par mail s’il vous plait ? Je vois plus ou est le lien !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Hi,
    can you please add feature to enter stock-in items with value to capture the changing purchase price of same product? the product master sheet will not have the value column then. the cost for stock out product can be based on First In First Out method. kindly let me know if it is possible to add it in this template
    Best Regards

  10. Hi,
    I liked your Inventory and accounts managment Excel software .
    But i have to use on MacBook after some amendments as per my requirements .
    Pls. Let me know what charges for Amendment ?
    Pls. contact me to discuss.

  11. I need to make IN / OUT entry of the material.
    I also need to make challans for vendors for material issue, is it possible to make such changes in pro version?

  12. Hi, I downloaded the template from the link in my mail but it only has the dashboard the actual date sheet isn;t available, kindly Assist.


  13. i like this template and i think got to try with the PRO version, Do you have other payment options? aside from the paypal and card? i have GCASH in our country as our payment..

  14. in entering stock out, how can I add a name (of someone withdraw stocks) that can also be seen in stock out data sheets? which data of employee that withdraws stocks can also be seen in stock out data sheets.

    cause i think that is the only missing.. and everything is perfect.. i really appreciate it for sharing it for free.. thank you so much. By the way, i am using your free excel Inventory management.

  15. hello, need to add extra columns in the invoice form. any possible way to do this??

  16. i want need warehouse entries stock in ,out ,pick pack ship also kindly help me

  17. Hi, in the Pro Template, the drop down list for current stock vs. Re-order isn’t working on my Mac. Please help!

  18. Hi there,
    System works PERFECT!!

    However, how can I change the currency from (USA) $ to (South African) R?


  19. Can you provision for picture of product so we can select stock out using picture

  20. Hi,

    can you please provide Garments Inventory Management System where we can record raw cloth , cutting , stiwtching and finished goods , also purcases and seles.

    • the same thing happens to me , but anytime I enable my macro, i still can’t do it. Can you help me please with every steps

  21. Hi Puneet,

    I downloaded the folder, only dashboard displayed. Not able to edit or no macro is working for me.

    Please help…

  22. have entered the name and mail id but could not get through , was not able download the template . Please help out

  23. great tool but none of the macros work and I need to be able to edit column names to suit out needs

  24. Hi, I am working for humanitarian organization in Afghanistan, doing food basket distribution with 4 items
    I can not download the template, please share. and also our process a bit different do u think it will work
    Supplies(Flour-cooking oil-beans-salt) come to Main warehouses (3 main warehouses)
    Supplies moved to provincial warehouses
    Supplies moved to Food Distribution Point (FDP)
    Supplies distributed from FDP to beneficiaries

  25. hi there i am trying to download the sheet but not able to do it after sharing my mail id.

    Request you to please send the same in mail

    will be great help to me.


  26. Hi Puneet, Can you please share your contact details?

  27. Really it’s very useful. please mail me template.

  28. Hi, gone through the entire article. I seems really helpful to maintain and track the stocks please mail me template.

  29. the only problem is that we need to update data for 400 products in daily basis which is not possible here manually.

  30. sir ekdam easy hai, iska update version milega kya, aur aapka contact no. bhi send karna,
    very good job

  31. May I evaluate the application if it can be applied in our school

  32. I am interested in a shell template to use for my small business to track my inventory

  33. Hi Puneet,

    Hope you are doing well!

    I am Nainika, a Procurement professional. Was in search of Inventory/Spare management with Reorder level. I think I got it from your sheet. Just loved It. But I am looking for changes/additions. Just let me know how you can be contacted. Please write me on the email mentioned below.


  34. Hello, Its very nice. But i like to change $ another sign

  35. I need to use the sheet for tracking the waste as I’m F&B manager

  36. can i add in the accounting system profit and loss and statement?

  37. Greetings, very nice template. I will need to add some info not presently in it.
    Is it possible, how to contact you

  38. I need your help Inventory Template for stock in an out

  39. Hello dear
    I need your help Inventory Template for stock out+ in

  40. Hi,

    Thanks to provide Inventory Management TEMPLATE.

    I am facing the problem in Product Wise Stock And Reorder Level dashboard, I entered new product (as Grinding Disc), stock in & stock out quantities using user forms, but in dashboard did not show any status, only show N/A.

    kindly guide me

  41. is this Template download ready to use or you need to Buy the Pro version to be able to start using it as I used the Downloaded template
    change Product to my items but it would not update the stocks in or outs of total

  42. Hi Support,

    Good day!

    I hope that you’re well.

    I’m interested in your excel program. Is it possible to add a function to manage the Stock BIN location of the stocks and Pick lists management based on the inventory lists with respective reports? Also, keep tracks the movement of the stock and reports.

    I looking forward to hear from you soon.


  43. Nice temblate. Can I make some changes and adding features in this template?.

  44. Hello, I would love to work with your inventory file to help me work better as a supply chain manager.

  45. Hello, I would love to work with your inventory file to help me work better as a supply chain manager.

  46. Cqn anyone share this file i am unable to downlaod thanks for your all support.

  47. Now for the big question before I continue with this template.

    I have about 2000 unique items that I wish to track. (about 26 categories)
    Will this template be able to work for such a high number of unique stock items and categories?

    Please excuse my ignorance as I am not very experienced with Excel.

  48. Hi Paneet

    In the “Enter New Product” Sheet..
    You have formatted the Product ID cell as “Date format”

    Many of my product ID’s start with a zero.
    eg. Product ID 02807356

    Is there a way to overcome this?
    Can I add a ( ‘ ) before the number or change the format to text?

  49. Hi Paneet

    In the “Enter New Product” tab..
    You have formatted the Product ID cell as “Date format”

    Many of my product ID’s start with a zero.
    eg. Product ID 02807356

    Is there a way to overcome this?
    Can I add a ( ‘ ) before the number or change the format to text?

  50. i like your concept, how can i edit excel as per my requirement, please help

  51. Hi, can I know how much is the Pro version and what are features that I can customize in the Pro version?

  52. i want warehouse management system if its fulfil our requirement we will contact you.

  53. Thanks for providing and sharing knowledge.

  54. Hi, there cannot download the template, have tried sending it to all my emails, but I’m not receiving any of your templates

    • not really, you can delete the dummy entires simply by the right click -> delete row.

    • Go In Review Option then Click Unprotect Sheet. the sheet is not password-protected, it will unlock immediately.

  55. Hi

    Tried the downloaded sample template. If we can’t amend the template means we will forever have the dummy stock in our inventory :).
    How do you charge for simple modification or add-ons?


  56. Hello! Can i have a copy please. Thank you so much

  57. hello i want this templet to use our office in indian RS. so can you change and fress templet send me with our comaopny name so i will pay

  58. The given tempalate is of very much use & have simplified the issue of Inventory management.
    Thank You..!!

  59. Awesome template… I have registered but havent received the template. Could you please resend it to my email address..

  60. Thanks it really looks good. But I have tried to download it all in vain do you mind if you can send it via my email, please.

  61. This seems great, but I registered my email address and I haven’t received Excel Inventory Management Template

  62. Registered but did not receive the email. please resend

  63. Hello there,

    I have registered my email but have not seen the download link in my inbox. Please send it.


  64. Didnt received the sheet on email after many tries. Could you please help?

  65. Good afternoon , I have registered with various emails but didn’t get the inventory management excel template in any of the emails (checked SPAM as well). Could you advise on the sending?

  66. Small business that sells to other vendors.
    Hoping this helps to have a control on my sauce inventory in house

  67. Holding on High hopes that this software will be the ultimate answer to my management of my organization’s stock levels and tracking thereof

  68. Can I make changes to the template? I need something to track down medicines

  69. it is very useful template. but why i cannot use to add any new product ?? it shows error message as password protected

  70. Hi Puneet,

    I just downloaded the inventory template from your website and also checked the pro version features. It meets many of the features that I require to run a Automotive parts Business .However if the following additional features can be incorporated it will be great .Also what would the additional cost be to add them.

    1) Have a fields for 2 x additional part numbers for each item.
    2) Have provisions for 2 x currencies . Import currency and Local selling currency.
    3) To have rate conversion feature between the 2 x currencies.
    4) To have a template similar to the invoice template for adding supplier invoice information.

    Kind Regards

    • I need this excel template to manage my business (ecommerce)

      please send

  71. I need Excel Inventory template, to maintain receipts, issues, stock statement to maintain general store & engineering stores

  72. I wanted an excel sheet that is simple to maintain sale, expense, purchases, credit bills etc with end of the month report and end of the year report for a small restaurant. How much do you charge for creating one

    • My Need to S/N, Date, Customer Name, Address, Cell Number, Bill Number, Delivery Man, Product Name, Size, Quntity, Rate , Total Taka, DISC, Paid amount, Due amount

      • activate your macros first. see the pdf shared along with it.

    • how do I change the currency symbol in the workbook? I’m going crazy trying to find the way. thank you for your help!

  73. Sir

    I need Excel Inventory template, to maintain receipts, issues, stock statement to maintain general store & engineering stores

  74. i can access it, am only seeing dashboard.
    Kindly assist me on what to do.

  75. Hi
    Do you have a parts location in the stock card?

    And a parts search?

  76. Just checking your template to see if it fits my purpose. Thanks and I will give feedback

  77. How would you manage price changes for same product?
    Value of stock becomes a problem for stock take.
    can weighted average be built in?

  78. Would have like to input multiple items for stock in and out. Single input will take to long.
    Order form would also be nice.

  79. Hi,

    I haven’t received any file/email. Could you please re-check?


  80. Hi Sir, i want to download stock in and stock out sheet

  81. hello. i want to download stock out sheet. many thanks

  82. we have approx 300 items. Purchase price every time different we can not fix unit price. we didn’t want category wise stock in dash board .we want delivery challan returnable and non returnable challan not invoice. Report of item should display price .

  83. HI That’s a great effort, Can i edit product description in out form.

  84. I am trying to download the program. I enter my name and email but never receive the link. I would like to try this

  85. Hi Puneet

    I liked your free template and tried using it though have some queries :

    Need to add few columns Unit, Packing description, additional for product type.
    I have one product list with multiple locations and each location need to maintain idle stock separately. The procurement happens centrally and as per requirement of re ordering stock report (based on closing stock of each location for that month – idle stock) is issued to each location. Would need consolidated as well as location wise reports. Also need to understand consumption for the month for each location.

    How do I achieve this?

    S Patwardhan

  86. This is the one of the best selection of workers to keep maintaining their goods

  87. Dear Concern,
    The inventory system is perfect for me, but i need to customize this excel file. If you don’t mind can you help me out.

    Thanks in advance

  88. Hi, I want to upload bulk Entry for New product through uploading csv file. Manual Entry for huge items its take more time.
    Excel sheet is brilliant. Hope to listen from your side.

  89. This is great, and it will be very useful in my department. But I only need to monitor our item for in and out, No price needed. Can I disable the auto-hide? and for the description to be pre-filled if possible.

  90. First I will use and after that i will published my comment

  91. Hi,
    I did not get the file in my inbox.
    please can you check this.

  92. Hi,
    I have not got any Template in my inbox.

    Plz help

    • You need to enable macros, first. See the guide that I have shared with the template.

      • Hi Puneet,

        This looks like the exact thing I’ve been looking for for my dad.

        Would it be possible in the “stock in” function to add a “storage location” I.e rack 1 box 2, and would it then be possible to search the inventory when trying to locate where a sold product is being stored?



  93. Hi Puneet,

    I got only dashboard…How to enter all components In out And stock??????/

  94. When you fill out an invoice, does it automatically calculate your stock ins and outs?

  95. How do you get the pro version? I don’t see a link anywhere

  96. It seems fantastic, need this as soon as possible

  97. HI PUNEET,
    I really liked your template, will like to go with pro version, before that i need some help, we have tiles business, so will you do customisation as per my requirement, there are some customisations i want in your template, pls reply at earliest.

  98. I am looking for the pro version but the website does nothing when I click on download.

  99. I requested a download but haven’t received it yet. Can you please resend it?

  100. I would like your free: “READY to use Excel Inventory Management TEMPLATE [User form + Stock Sheet]” Thank you!

    • Yes, for all. Once you buy it, mail me back and we’ll do little tweaks for you.

  101. Thanks for the template it covers all the formulas that I need to track with.

  102. I am interested in this product. I have a few questions?
    1. Can it used on MAC
    2. How Many products will I be able to add? I have over 2000 products
    3. Is it possible to add discounts on the invoice based on the product.
    3. Will I be able to create labels to print?


  103. Please check, I have requested your free version but have not received it yet.

  104. is it possible to incorporate sales feature to the pro version? i got multiple stores and just few sku’s to monitor. send me an e-mail how to add and cost,

    • Hi Puneet,
      I didn’t receive any mail from you. Can you please re-send it?

  105. Hi Puneet,
    I got the FREE version of your excel. I liked and wanted to learn more about how the ‘ENTER’ in ‘EnterNewProduct’ formula/macro works. Can you please help me with it?

  106. Hello,

    I haven’t received the template even though I signed up. Please resend.

  107. Hi

    How can i change the dates for stock in/out on free version?

    Could you please me the reply to my email.


  108. I need a free template to be used the store managing dairy movement and weekly report (Status) kindly help with that short and clear one for test, Once it works we can go for another greater step.

  109. Hi Puneet,
    Can you please change the format on the dashboard to INR

  110. it is downloaded with stock already in how do you clear to start with a fresh clean stock inventory?

  111. Hi Mr. Puneet,

    Can I also have a copy of your template ? I can’t access the download link of FREE VERSION.

    Please send me to this email

    Thank you so much in advance.


    • Hey Veronica, to import the existing data you need to simply copy-paste it.

      • Yes, you can change currency, but need to understand more from about changing stock items.

  112. Does anyone have the Dev version? Can I import data? Or am I limited to the user form?

  113. Hi, I would like to go for Pro version, before that could you please confirm below concern
    We having parts business, do we able to change stock items?
    Do we able to change the currency?

      • Hey Veronica,

        WIth Developer Version, you can do all kind of customizations and if you go PRO version you can mail us you requirments (what columns you want to add) we’ll try to make it up for you.

        …with love, Puneet.

  114. hello thank very musch how do i activate the macros that will be part of the excel file that you send

  115. Dear Puneet, thanks for the templates, I have managed to download the free version but am unable to enter anything in it

    • I have this question too; did you get a response by any chance?

      Does the Pro or Dev version allow for easy customization? I’d at least want to add additional header columns..

  116. Are the fields modifiable for my specific application?
    As an inventory tool, does your programing include high/low limits and reorder points; programmed in?
    Is your template barcode capable to generate labels and record inventory based on scanning?
    I can send you a list my requirements if necessary.

  117. Hi Puneet, I am from Chandigarh. I need your help.
    I want a simple excel Stock Management System for smartphones wherein I just need the EAN(Product ID), Description & Quantity. I want an excel where I just scan the barcode of the product and it automatically gets deducted from the actual stock likewise with the Stock In. Do you have such template?

  118. Hi despite rying more 3 times, i am not receiving the link in my mail for the trial version.

    Can you please help me please

    • Hey Randolf,

      There’s an option where you can define the discount percentage in the invoice manually.

      • Hello again,

        I don’t want to be rude but can I get an answer to these questions for my friend so we can see if we will buy this application/

        Thanks in advance.

  119. Hello,

    I’m looking for a friend who is searching for a program that automatically can make an invoice for his customer. The problem is that every customer is getting a different discount on their ordered products.
    Is there any possibility to integrate this in your application, because I think that this is almost the perfect application for him.
    Also is it possible to set the currency into euro’s (€) and a choice to set another language? (Dutch).

    Please let me know.

    • Yes, you can use it in MAC BOOK. How you want to print, I mean as a report or something else?

  120. Hello,

    I would like to find out how to get a custom document created for me. How can I get this started?

  121. Can this template be used on a Macbook Pro? Also i would like to know if there is an option to create labels to print (Costumers and products). I am in desperate need of a Management Software for my company

  122. Trying the free version before going for the pro version. Even on entering values in the user form, the current stock and stock values shows 0 and -ve. What am i missing?

  123. can we create challan of out material .
    please send me trail version.

  124. Dear Sir,

    We haven’t received the mail regarding the downloading of the free trial version.

    Kindly advice

  125. i try to purchase pro version but can not complete the process can please help me out,

    • You can use one drive to sync files between two computers, but you can’t use VBA to work with a file which you have opened in Excel Online.

    • VBA is working on the One Drive/Google Drive to share it across the systems?

  126. Can you explain the advantage of Dev version
    How many user can use Pro version ?
    if it’s multiuser can I create user password ?

  127. After enter new data like product id
    how we can change

  128. Hello,
    I would want to try the free version before I purchase the pro one, thank you.

  129. Hello
    I will like to try the free version before buying it, thank you.

  130. I haven’t received the mail for the free version.
    Please resent it. Thank you.

  131. Hi, I’d try the free version before I purchased pro one. But haven’t received any emails yet.

  132. Hello

    I wanted to try your free version first before buying the full version, but I did not get the email.
    How can I resolve this?


  133. Requested free version download. No link has been sent.

  134. Hi there,
    I’m interested in purchasing your pro version. However I would like to see few screen shots or a video of how it works, if you have that please share it with me.

    Thank you

  135. Hi, Thanks for your response. I have tried the free version and I think its suitable for me. However, when I tried to input the master data and stocks plus the price, the value on the very right cell is still 0? I made sure the format is in numbers but, I still get 0 result. Which part did I messed up?


  136. I applied for free trail download but couldnot.

    • OH, I’m sad for your past experiences but this template works with MAC.

  137. does it work with excel office 365 2019 for mac? As per my past experience I faced lots of error with VBA on Excel Mac

  138. I am trying the free version, however I dont get the download in my email

  139. Hi,

    Need option of entering multiple items,


  140. The link in the email just opens a blank window. Unable to download the template.

  141. Dear Puneet,

    I liked the excel inventory. is there any option to edit the product details or price of the product once entered

  142. To change an error occurred during new product entry. How should I go in to make changes?

  143. I need to add one more attribute to stock out form. can you help?

  144. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.

  145. Many thanks you for the inventory management tool. I wanted to learn one thing which will allow me to monitor an inventory by getting alert from the excel when target is set. In simple word, how will i set my report to get an alert when the target given me is below the target

  146. How can we fix the sale price of products and discounts so that employees cannot change while selling?

  147. Hi is it okei to add location on it? and also i want to search by code and also per item. not by scrolling

  148. Dear Puneet

    Thank you very much for the awesome inventory management tool. Also a special thanks for editing the sheet to have the currency from South Africa. Highly appreciated and will recommend and support you.


  149. Hello, I just downloaded the free version. How can I delete the info in the template? Is there an option to edit a product once entered?

  150. Hi, Need a drop down list to see the single product category. and same need to required on “Product wise current stock vs. reorder level”
    one product category have different different product name, so can see categories wise.

  151. Dear Puneet,

    I recently purchased the PRO version. Everything is great but i would like to ask a favour. Is it possible to have a searchable drop down for stock in and stock out as we have a long list of items?

    • Close the template once and re-open it and make sure you have enabled your macros. Excel Options ➜ Trust Center ➜ Trust Center Settings ➜ Macro Settings ➜ Trust access to the VBA project object model

  152. I’m having an error it displays “Cannot run the macro”excel-inventory-management-template.xlsm’!OpenMenu”. I have already done enabling the macros but i can’t still navigate the system.

  153. Hi
    i have followed step as you told about macro setting in instruction . but when i open inventory template, this message pop in excel

    run-time error “1004”:
    Method “Worksheet” of object”_Global”failed

    what i should about this messages?

    2) can you please help in deleting old sample data? or is possible to send me excel pro to email without any sample data

  154. is there any app for this
    when i use stock in then it is not showing in product master

  155. i can’t add a new product it’s. the cells are protected. what will i do?

  156. i have given the request for free trial version with my email id yesterday at 2.02pm but till now didn’t receive any email

  157. i need to know how to clean the table to start using my staff,
    so i need a clean one

  158. Really helpful. Best to maintain inventory.
    Need this for iOS is there any help available?

    • Ankit this template uses macros and unfortunately, Excel’s IOS version doesn’t come with VBA functionality. I wish to serve you with this in future.

  159. Hey Puneet,

    I am using the free version and it has really made inventory management very easy. All thanks to you for the effort you put in. I need the iOS version for the same, if you could please help me with it. Is anything for iOS available?

    • Hey, Lgnacio,

      In this template, you can create a unique Product ID code for each product and when you go with PRO version there is an option to create an invoice for each customer.

        • You need to get the developer version and add a barcode font into it.

          • Hey, Anand please check your mail I have reverted with a new link for Payment.

          • Could you please try it one more time?

  160. Heyy, Is there any iOS version available for the above template?? It would be really helpful if you can reply asap.

  161. I have a doubt about the functioning. I work with a lot of electronic devices as monitors, cameras, etc. and each one of this products has a serial number, like an identity code (I imagine you know how it works). I need to register every serial number code to keep track of out product, to know when someone returns something it is certain that he/she got it from me.
    And another thing would be if i could make receipts out of this, so customers could sign it in prove that they already took what they bought.
    Thanks for your time.

  162. Thank you i have just downloaded the free version . this is the template that i was looking for thank you.

  163. Hi… I am not able to make payment. Pl. do revert us with needy support.

  164. Put email in to receive free version and get no response

  165. didn’t received the link in mail. I tried to submit it twice.

  166. Hi Puneet, did not recieve the link

  167. i have paid 2 times for DEV version but it is not downloaded, if it is not available for Pakistan, then plz reverse the transaction

  168. Please help me to get the link of Inventory management template.

  169. i am unable to get the free version link on my mail inbox and want to know how much time the link available for me to download

        • Thanks.
          In the mail link, when I have clicked on the Download button for the free version its again asking me to put in a first name and email ID.
          When I put in the information it says that an error has occured, while submitting the data and to try again. I keep trying but I get the same thing.

          Please help, I think I am “not understanding” or “not using the correct link” which you have sent.
          Please guide me.

          • Sent again. I’m sorry you have faced this problem.

          • I’m afraid I’m not able to understand you. You can write me on my email.

          • Link is working very much, please try again.

  170. Trying to download the Free version ,but unable to download it.

  171. Trying to download Free version but can not..please can send me the link

    • In you mail from “Disqus”, there is no link available.
      Thanks for all your support Mr. Puneet,

  172. When I click on the Download button for the free version it asks me to put in a first name and email ID. When I put in the information it says that an error has occured while submitting the data and to try again. I keep trying but I get the same thing. Please help if possible.

    • Thanks for your reply Mr. Puneet,
      May be I am not able the use the link in a correct way.
      Please let me know the correct process for using the link.

    • Thanks Mr. Puneet.

      I have not received the link. Please provide.

  173. How i can download this tamplete???
    If yes so please send the link on my mail.

  174. Hello Puneet,
    I hope you are doing well.
    I appreciate if you can please tell me how I can change the $ sign for Stock Value.
    I just want the numbers no $ sign.
    Looking forward for you quick and positive response.

    • It was originally purchased under: OPTIMALNAMES AT gmail DOT com on January 13, 2017 Thank you!

  175. I purchased this back in January 2017. Is this an updated version which I need to download now?

  176. Hi.
    What a fantastic template.
    Question, how do I change the currency?

  177. how to reset the sheet. as there are few entries in the template.
    if we delete anything from any sheet. it effect the template result.
    if i enter data in template. the sample data that is already in the sheet remains in the template.

    • I see, but it will show all data, it would be easier if we can generate only re-order report in case we have many products.

  178. Is it possible to generate the items which are below the re-order level on dashboard or any report? It’s quite complicate if I have to check it one by one from drop-down list on dashboard.

    • this is not full version and i want it to customize as per my convenience.
      is it possible??

  179. hello is there any free template i can download

  180. Hi i have send the query about the template but no response for last 2 days…anyone guess that still this template is useable for not ?

  181. I bought this Excel Inventory Management Template and its AWESOME 🙂 . I love the way it has been design keeping in view that all features used are user friendly to understand and apply accordingly. I can see lot of efforts, time and hard work has been placed in this template. This is really saving my time and no problem in recording and analyzing the inventory position. Dashboard is a value added sheet in this template. I wish to see more templates by Puneet 🙂 Keep Rocking Brother 🙂 and Thank you so much again for making complex things simple for us 🙂

    • Dear Sir,
      I cannot download this template. please help?

    • hi again sir! just wanna inquire how will you cost me if I order the same template?, but has a little bit customization according to my work needs. thanks sir. here is my email

  182. Hi sir Puneet Gogia! can you please e-mail me? I have transaction for you thanks.

  183. Need a help to implement it. How current stock level column does it work ? While stock outing out, there is no change happening in the current stock. Once we explorer we would like to go for pro-version

  184. I just bought the Pro Template. Found all the hidden tabs and can’t believe how much work you put into this! What a great value for all the more you are charging. I consider myself an Excel Super User, but I will never be as “super” with it as you, Puneet. I’m struggling right now with keeping track of custom-made items for my employer; this will help me a great deal. I can’t wait to get back to work in the morning and try it out! Thank you so much for sharing all your efforts with us.

  185. I want to view the code, there is requiring password? what is the password? thanks godbless

  186. Hi Puneet,

    I was checking the template and its features a few days ago but forgot to come back and report how it went. IMO, is really useful and you’ve made a nice work with it. Thank you very much for sharing!

    • Yes, Migu.

      I’m sorry about that. Can you please check your mail again? I’ve sent a new mail with the template. I’m here if you need further help.

      • i doesm’t found download link. please give me link on chat box

          • i have no recv any download link in mail

          • I have updated the link in the post. Fill your email ID and download from there.

      • Hi, did the subscription but no template has been sent, so far… how do i get it?

        thank you


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