Sum Greater Than Values using SUMIF

Last Updated: March 24, 2024

- Written by Puneet

In Excel, you can use SUMIF to sum values that are greater than a specific value (that you specify). In the tutorials, we will look at different examples to understand.

SUMIF Greater Than

In the following example, we have a list of values from which we need to sum values that are greater than 25. Let’s look at how to write a formula for this.


Follow these steps:

  1. First, enter “=SUMIF(” in cell C1 to start the function.
  2. After that, refer to the range from where you want to check the condition.
  3. Now, enter the criteria with the greater than and equal sign.
  4. Next, again select the range from A2:A13 to get the values to sum.

You can enter the above formula into cell C1 to get the sum of values that are greater than 25.

Note: As your sum range and criteria range is the same, you can skip specifying the sum range. And it will still return to you the sum of all the values that are greater than and equal to 25.


You can also use a cell reference to specify the criteria in the function.


In the above example, we have used the same criteria, but we have referred to a cell that has a number and we want to create greater criteria with this number.

So, in the cell, we have that number, and in the criteria_argument we have combined this number with the greater than and equal operator.

You know the best part of using this method is you can change the number from the cell, and you don’t need to change the actual formula.

There is one more thing that you can change in the formula is that you can use absolute reference in the reference to the criteria range.

For this, you just need to add dollar signs before the cell reference, just like we have in the following example.


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