Sum Values by Group

- Written by Puneet

Let’s say you have a list of groups with the number of people who have the group; now, you need to write a formula to perform the sum by the group.


For this, you can use SUMIF or SWUMIFS.

Formula to Sum Values by Group

  1. Enter SUMIF in a cell.
  2. Refer to the range (B2:B13) where you have the names of groups.
  3. Specify the Group name or refer to the cell where you have the group to name.
  4. Refer to the range (C2:C13) to sum values.
  5. Close the function and hit enter to get the result.

The moment you hit enter, it returns the sum of the North group in the cell.


And you can drag the formula down to all the groups to get the sum.


Sum by Multiple Groups

In the following example, we have two groups with two different columns.


To sum values based on two groups, you need to use SUMIFS instead of SUMIF. In the first criteria, we used Group 1 (Region); in the second, we used Group 2 (Gender).


B2:B13 is the column for Group 1, and C2:C13 is for Group 2.


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1 thought on “Sum Values by Group”

  1. Thank you! I have followed several videos to successfully achieve this, but none were straightforward. Your instructions are so straightforward, easy to follow and easy to achieve the desired result in a very quick timeframe. If I had found you sooner, I would have saved ALOT of time. I have bookmarked your webpage to help me quickly with all my excel needs from now on. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!


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