Add Column (Excel Shortcut)

- Written by Puneet

Latest Video Tutorial – 10 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts (Probably YOU are NOT Using)

Adding a new column in Excel is a very easy task. Many times, while working with data, users want to add or insert a new column and they can do it using keyboard shortcuts instead of going to the “Insert” icon under the “Home” tab.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Add Column in the Excel


Ctrl + Shift + +

Steps to Add Column Using Keyboard Shortcut

1. Using keyboard shortcut Alt → I → C

  1. First, click on any cell to the left of which you want to add the new blank column.
  2. After that, simply press “Alt → I → C” and you will get the new column inserted to the left of the selected cell.

2. Using keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Plus Sign (+)

  1. First, select the whole column using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Spacebar” to the left of which you want to add the new blank column.
  2. After that, press the shortcut keys Ctrl + Shift + + and you will get the new blank column inserted to the left of your selected column.

Points to Remember

  1. Excel always adds the column(s) to the left of your selected cell or column, we cannot change this default setting.
  2. Once you added a column, you can just press the Fn+F4 keys for Excel to repeat the task to add more blank columns.

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