How to Convert Time Value into Seconds in Excel (Formula)

- Written by Puneet

To convert a time in Excel into seconds, you need to multiply that value by 86400. This is the total number of seconds that we have in a single day, and Excel stores time as decimals (1 is equivalent to 24 hours). Now when you multiply time by the total number of seconds, it returns the number of seconds according to that time.


Formula to Convert Time to Seconds

You can use the below steps:

  1. First, enter the equal to (=) operator.
  2. Next, refer to the cell where you have the time value.
  3. Now, enter the asterisk to multiply.
  4. After that, enter 86400.
  5. In the end, hit enter to get the result.

Once you enter the above formula in a cell you need to have the cell format as “General“, so that you can have the number value in the cell.


Convert Total Time into Seconds

If you have a time value that is the total of multiple time values, you can still use the same formula.


In cell A3, we have the sum and in cell A5, we have used the same formula to get the total seconds from the time value.


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