Add Title to a Worksheet in Excel

- Written by Puneet

 In Excel, if you want to add a title in a worksheet, the best way to do this is to use the cell styles options which as a pre-defined title style to apply to a cell. In this tutorial, we will learn to use it and to modify its formatting.

Steps to Add a Title in a Worksheet

  1. Enter a Value in a Cell which you want to convert into the title.
  2. Go to the Home Tab > Cell Styles.
  3. In the Cell Styles, hover to the “Title” style.
  4. Click on it to apply it to the cell.

As you can see in the above example, it will change the cell style for the selected cell into a title.

Modify the Formatting of the Cell

Instead of changing the format in the cell, you can modify the formatting of the title style. The benefit of this options is that you don’t need to apply the format again and again. Go to the Home > Cell Styles > Title, and then right click on it.


Once you click on the modify, you get the “Style” dialog box.


From this dialog box, you can check and un-check formatting which you want to include in the formatting. And when you click on the “Format” button, it will get the you the format options dialog box, where you can change the formatting.