How to Perform Divide in Excel (Formula)

- Written by Puneet

In Excel, there are multiple ways to perform a divide. There’s a simple way to do this with the divide operator and one way to use the QUOTIENT function. In this tutorial, we are going to learn both methods in detail.

Using the DIVIDE Operator in Excel (Basic Divide Formula)

You can use the below steps:

  1. First, enter (=) in a cell to start the formula.
  2. After that, refer to the cell with the dividend.
  3. Next, enter the enter the “/” divide operator.
  4. Now, refer to the cell with the divisor.
  5. In the end, hit enter to get the result.

You can see in the below example where we have the 100 (dividend) and 5 (divisor).


When you hit enter, it returns 20 in the result.

  • dividend – A number that you want to divide.
  • divisor – A number that we are dividing the dividend with.

You can also input numbers directly into the formula instead of referring to the cells.

= dividend/divisor

Divide Columns in Excel

Now, let’s say you have two columns in a sheet, and you are required to divide the corresponding values of columns.

  1. In the column C, enter the formula for the first entry (=A1/B1)
  2. After that, hit enter to get the result.
  3. Now, use your mouse to drag the formula up the last cell in the column, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D.

Use Array Formula to Divide Columns

If you want to enter a formula in one, go to the entire column; you can use the array formula.

  1. Select the entire column where you want to enter the formula.
  2. Enter (=) and refer to the dividend column.
  3. After that, enter the (/) divide operator.
  4. Next, refer to the divisor column.

Once you enter the formula in the first cell, you must use Ctrl + Shift + Enter to enter the formula as an array formula. So, press Ctrl, Shift and then hit enter to apply the formula.


When you enter an array formula in the range of cells, you can’t change the formula in a single cell.

A Problem You Might Face

When you divide two numbers, the divisor is a zero. In that case, you get the #DIV/0! Error In the result. And if the dividend is 0, in that case, the result will be 0.


The best way to deal with this problem is to verify the values when you get an error in the result. In this tutorial, the #DIV/0! Error explained in detail.

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