How to use Arithmetic Operators in Excel (Formula)

Last Updated: March 24, 2024

- Written by Puneet

In Excel, there are six major arithmetic operators that you can use to perform calculations.

  1. Addition (+)
  2. Subtraction (-)
  3. Multiplication (*)
  4. Division (/)
  5. Percent (%)
  6. Exponentiation (^)

As the name suggests, each of these operators can perform a specific calculation. And in this tutorial, we will learn to use these operators.


In Excel, performing any calculation with these operators requires you to use (=) to start the formula. And to type these operators, you need to use the keys from your keyboard.

1. Addition (+)

With the addition operator, you can calculate the sum of two or more values.

=value1 + value2
=100 + 200

In the above example, we calculated a sum of 100 and 200 using the (+) in between. And in the same way, you can use cell reference as well.


2. Subtraction (-)

You can use the subtraction operator to minus one value from another.


In the above example, you have the formula to minus A1 cell’s value from the A2 cell’s value. But you can also use the direct input values.


3. Multiplication (*)

To perform multiplication in Excel, you need to use the asterisk operator, which you can insert using the key from your keyboard.


And here also, you can directly input the values within the formula.


4. Division (/)

To divide, you need to use the forward slash (/).


And below when you enter the values directly into the formula.


5. Percentage (%)

You can convert a numeric value into a percentage with the percentage operator. When you enter a number in a cell, type the percentage operator using the key from your keyboard.


And if you want to calculate the percentage of a value, you need to use the asterisk operator (multiply) for that.


6. Exponent (^)

With you can raise a number to a power. For example, in Excel, you can directly enter an exponent operator and use a number to raise the power.


You can use it to calculate the square root, square, cube, etc.