Row Vs Column in Excel (Difference)

- Written by Puneet

If you are new to Excel, you must know what the difference between a row and a column is. These two words are quite important for you to know about.

So let me take an example to explain.

In the following example, you can see a spreadsheet which is an Excel worksheet, and this Excel sheet is made up of cells.


But here you need to know about a row and a column, right?


Difference Between Rows and Columns

A row is a horizontal combination of the cell.
A column is a vertical combination of the cell.
You can refer to a row by its number. i.e., 1, 2, 3
You can refer to a column by its alphabet. i.e., A, B, C
You can refer to multiple rows by using a range of rows. For example, 1:3 means referring to row 1 to row 3.
You can refer to multiple columns by using a range of columns. For example, A:C means referring to column A to column C.
There is a total of 1048576 rows in a single worksheet.
There is a total of 16384 columns in a single worksheet.
To select a row, you can use click on the number heading from the left side of the worksheet, or you can select a cell from the row that you want to select and use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + SPACEBAR.
To select a column, you can use click on the alphabet heading of the column from the top of the worksheet, or you can select a cell from the column that you want to select and use the keyboard shortcut CRTL + SPACEBAR.

Points to Know

  1. You can hide a column and a row by using the right-click menu from the mouse.
  2. You can sum all the values from a column, or a row simply by referring to it by its address.
  3. You can insert a new row and a column from the right-click menu. You can have more rows (1048576) and columns (16384) than the total count that you have in the worksheet.