How to Get Day Name from a Date in Excel (Formula)

- Written by Puneet

Let’s say you have a date from that date you want to get the day name i.e. Sat, Sunday. This can be done with a formula. In fact, there is more than one formula that can be used.

Get Day Name with TEXT Function

You can use the TEXT function for extracting a day name from a date. Let’s say you have a date in cell A2 and you want to get the day name in cell B2. The formula will be:


This formula will return a short day name from the date. And, if you want a full-day name then you can use the below formula.

get month name from a date with text function

How Does This Work

When referring to the date into TEXT function is to convert that data into a specific text format that you have mentioned.

Using CHOOSE function Get the Day Name

This is another method that you can use to extract a day name from a date. And, this method is more flexible.

Let’s say you want to use a custom abbreviation or want to get the day name in a different language. The formula will be:

get month name from a date with choose function

How Does this Work

Here WEEKDAY returns the number of days from a week i.e. 1-7. If the day is Monday it will return 1 and on Tuesday it will 2. So this way, for each day of the week there is a number.

After that, in CHOOSE function there’s you have mentioned 7 different values for 7 days of the week and when WEEKDAY returns a number, CHOOSE returns the value according to that number. In short, you get a day name.

Apply Custom Formatting

If you don’t want to extract a day name in a different cell you can apply custom formatting to format a date as a day name. For this:

  1. Select all the cells and press the shortcut key Ctrl + 1.
  2. In the Number tab, select Custom and enter “ddd” or “dddd” in the input bar.
  3. In the end, click OK.
get month name from a date with custom formatting

This will convert the date from the selected cell into a day name.

When you apply custom formatting, the value in the cell is still a date, you just have to change its formatting.

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3 thoughts on “How to Get Day Name from a Date in Excel (Formula)”

  1. really its very useful for me. and can u teach me how to get the sum

  2. Hi Puneet,
    Hope you are doing well!!

    Can you please help me ?

    I need to make a userform for data enter. In which that the first textbox for add month view calendar for enter date. Which is very challenging me now to resolve. Please provide some guidance for same. (Please provide the code to get calendar)

    Harikrushna Patnaik

  3. Hi Puneet,
    In macro sheet macro no 15 I tried but shoes syntax error.


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