Create Clustered Column Chart in Excel

Last Updated: March 01, 2023

- Written by Puneet

What is a Clustered Column Chart?

Excel Clustered Column Chart allows easy comparison of values across various categories. In simple words, it will enable us to compare one set of variables with another set of variables.

This chart also has an X and a Y-axis, where the X-axis represents the year, region, or name labels, and Y-axis represents the values in numbers.

It is easy to make but create complexities when more data series are added.

Create a Clustered Column Chart in Excel

Let us learn how to create a Clustered Column Chart in few simple steps and an example. Example: Say we are creating a Clustered Column chart portraying region-wise sales per year.

  • First step would be to highlight the dataset for which you want to create the clustered column chart.
  • To insert a clustered column chart, go to the Insert option in the ribbon. Under the Charts section, select the Column Charts option, further select the Clustered Column chart option.
  • Now, as you insert the chart, it is displayed as shown in the image below.
  • In the end, you can give your chart a unique name. And choose the best design from the Chart Design Tab in the ribbon.

Adjusting the Chart Layout

Once the chart is inserted, it is time to add few elements if required or choose a better chart style and color. On the chart’s right side, you will find 3 options as Chart Elements, Chart Styles, and Chart Filters.

  • Chart Elements: This option allows you to add, remove or change chart elements such as title, legend, etc. For example, if you select the ‘Data Table’ option from the chart Element options, your chart would look like:
  • Chart Styles: This allows you to add a new style or color scheme to your chart. The below image is an example of a new chart style:
  • Chart Filters: Chart filters allow you to edit and choose what points or names you want to display on your chart.

Formatting the Chart

Various options can help you format the chart.

  • To access the formatting options, right-click on the chart and select “Format Chart area”.
  •  After which, a dialog box with the name Format Chart Area shall open.
  • You have three main chart options named Fill & Line, Effect, Size, and Properties.
  • All these chart options give you various features like applying a background to the chart or applying a border or adding a shadow, changing the size of the chart, and much more.

The below image shows an example of applied gradient fill and shadow to the chart:

Note – You can also adjust the gaps between the columns by right-clicking on the vertical columns and selecting the Format Data Series option. Here you will get the option to change gaps between bars.

Switch Between Rows or Columns

To switch between rows and columns, right-click on the chart area

Next, choose the ‘Select Data’ option

A dialog box “Select Data Source” will pop up. In the center of the dialog box, you will find an option “Switch Row/Column”. You need to click on the option and finally click OK.

Considerations Before Creating a Clustered Column Chart

  1. Avoid employing a vast quantity of data because it is difficult for the user to understand.
  2. In your clustered chart, avoid using 3D effects.
  3. Use your data wisely to arrange the chart nicely, as we did by inserting one extra row between cities to provide some more spacing between each bar.

Insert a Clustered Column Pivot Chart in Excel

  1. To create a clustered column pivot chart, highlight the pivot table data
  2. On the ribbon, go to the Insert tab and select the Pivot Charts option.
  • Once you select, an Insert chart dialog box will pop-up
  • The left section of the dialog box has an option named “Column”
  • After selecting the column, you will be able to see a Clustered column chart option.
  • Please select it and click OK.

The clustered column pivot chart is ready.