How to Create a Data Entry Form in Excel

- Written by Puneet

The data entry form is one of the best ways to enter data into a table. But, creating a form to enter data is not a cup of cake.

Yes, that’s right.

While struggling with this problem, I have found that you can create a form in Excel for data entry just with a single click. The best part about this form is it’s pre-designed and flexible. Just look at the below example.

data entry form in excel

Here’s the idea: To create this entry form, the only thing you need to do is to activate it.

Open Data Entry Form

In a short while, you will discover how helpful this tool is. But, this is hard to believe that there is no listing of this data entry form in the ribbon. So, you have to make it appear before we use it.

And before you activate this form, you need a table to enter data or at least headers of the data.

table heading to use data entry form in excel

To activate it, click any of the cells in the table or just select one of the heading cells and use one of the below two methods.

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut key: Alt ⇢ D ⇢ O ⇢ O.
  2. Add an icon to the quick access toolbar.
    1. File ➜ Options ➜ Quick Access Toolbar.
    2. Choose Command From ➜ Commands Not In Ribbon ➜ From ➜ Add ➜ Click OK.
add data form icon on quick access toolbar in excel

After using one of the above options, it will create a data entry form for you just like below.

open data entry form in excel

And if you notice, all the headings of your data table are automatically captured in the form.

1. Create a New Entry

To create a new data entry fill all the input boxes with data and click on the “New” button. Now if you look at the below example you’ll find that there is no input bar for the amount column.

We have a formula in the amount column to multiply the quantity by the price. That means this form is quite smart to discover the columns where there is no need to input data.

enter data in a table with this data entry form in Excel

2. Navigate Entries

To navigate all the entries which you have entered in your data, you can use the scroll bar or you can use the “Find Prev” & “Find Next” buttons.

scroll through entries with this data entry from in Excel

3. Edit Entries

To edit an entry you have to first navigate to that entry by the using method mentioned above. Once you navigate, you can make the changes in any of the input boxes and after that, just press enter key.

While editing your entry (before pressing enter or clicking the close button), if you want to restore your entry you can do it with the restore button. It will restore the previous data in all the input boxes.

edit entries with this data entry form in Excel

4. Delete Entries

To delete an entry you have to navigate to that entry and click on the delete button. A pop window will appear for the confirmation of the deletion and it will instantly delete that entry from your data table.

delete entry using this data entry from in Excel from table

5. Find a Specific Entry

If you are working on large data, you can use the “Criteria” button to find a specific entry.

For example, if you want to find entries below the table that match some specific criteria, just click on the Criteria button, enter the criteria in the input box, and press Enter. You will get the data entries matching your criteria. You can also use your criteria in more than one input box.

find a specific entry in this excel data entry form with a criteria

Important Points about this Data Entry Form

Well, there are some important points that you should know to play well with this form.

  1. The maximum number of input boxes you can use in the data entry form is 32.
  2. The width of the input box is purely connected with the related column in the worksheet. If your worksheet columns are not sufficiently wide to show values, the same width will reflect in your data form also.
  3. On the other hand, if only one of the columns is over in width, the same width will reflect for all input boxes in data form.
  4. If you have a range with the name “Database” then there is no need to select any cell from the table. It will always insert data into that table.
  5. While using criteria to pull some specific data, you can use Excel Wildcard Characters in this form.
  6. While creating data entries if you try to overwrite data in the cell, it will give you an alert message “Cannot extend list or database”.


31 thoughts on “How to Create a Data Entry Form in Excel”

  1. I have a question
    How can I hide a row automatic when an amount is zero on that row and automatic unhide that same row when the amount is > than 0.

  2. Super helpful, have been wasting too much time trying to understand what you made understandable in minutes–thank you!!!

  3. I like this write up because it is a ready made tool that just be used. Thanks for this.

  4. Myself Ayesha its very helpful for learners the way which has showed step by step really very interesting & helpfull to learn.

  5. I am very fan of your site. Wow fantastic. Really I appreciate your hardwork to make understand us.

    Need one help.
    I have a Pivot where in the Pivot there is column with XYZ% format. I want to see it like in this format only.

    However I got surprised seeing the format automatically got changed from percentage to number format.

    65.34%. …. 4567% or 2345.754
    like these.

    I am not able to understand why this is happening?

  6. Hi
    Can I make multiple entries in one user_form in Excel just like Access because if a company sells many items on one date and one invoice number, obviously they will not fill many form for one date, one product and for one invoice many times

  7. I need assistance to make the 3 items (ISP ID, Pit Sector, OSP Hole Depth) and the Image to change in the form as I select the Target Sheet from the combo box (OSP ID #)

    I want a code that would change 3 text box instantly on the same from as I change the combo box items. I also need the image to simultaneously change as the selection in the combo box is made.

    Any assistance please?

  8. I created your ‘How to Create a Data Entry Form in Excel [One-Click, No VBA]’ and it work fine but I want to have a few of the form headers to be a drop down list. Can’t see where I can create this. Please advise?

  9. Thanks for this information. I have one question . Is it possible to have the form in a sheet instead of always looking for it on the top ? It will be more user friendly too . Thanks for your help.

  10. How do you look at the code of the data form that is created by excel?

  11. Puneet please let go private for a detailed discuss on your trainings.

  12. Hi Puneet,
    Thanks for these great suggestions which I am sure work like a treat with any PCs but I use a Mac (Excel for Mac) and the Form is sadly not available as you describe it.
    Would anyone from the Mac world be able to help please?
    Many thanks,

  13. I’m new to vba and forms and was amazed at how easy this worked but discovered an issue. When I tried to use this on a second table it crashed Excel. I tried it in a different workbook and different table and it crashed. I went back to the original workbook and table and it works fine. Is this a one trick pony or, as I assume, am I missing something basic?

    I would really love to use this in multiple workbooks and multiple tables in each workbook if possible.

    Thank you

  14. Is it possible to change the form itself? Like – move the text boxes and controls around a bit?

    • not really, it structures itself according to the table.

  15. I’m new to vba and forms and was amazed at how easy this worked but discovered an issue. When I tried to use this on a second table it crashed Excel. I tried it in a different workbook and different table and it crashed. I went back to the original workbook and table and it works fine. Is this a one trick pony or, as I assume, am I missing something basic?

    I would really love to use this in multiple workbooks and multiple tables in each workbook if possible.

    Thank you

  16. I tried this Data entry Form. The only problem is that I have drop down lists on some columns and input does not capture my drop down lists when I use the form. How can I make the form to display my list so I can pick options from there

  17. Puneet, i am unable to understand the benefit of it as all these can be done in any range or table…….

  18. Is it possible to change the form itself? Like – move the text boxes and controls around a bit?

  19. how can i take a printout of the form with all details

    • Hello Phanish,

      Only Possibility is, to capture screen first. And, then take printout.

      • is it possible to edit the underlying vba code to format the data to autofit in excel columns ? thanks in advance for your guidance.

        • You can use a separate VBA code to format your data instantly when you insert a data entry.


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