How to Add Developer Tab in Excel

- Written by Puneet

Developer tab is one of the most important and highly useful options in Excel. But, before you use it you need add it on ribbon. When you install Excel, you need to activate it for first time.

So today in this post, you will learn 3 different methods to add developer tab in Excel for windows as well as in Excel 2011 for mac.

Method 1: For Windows

To enable it follow these simple steps.

  • Go to File Tab → Options → Customize Ribbon.
  • In the main tab list, tick mark check box for the developer.
add-developer tab in excel with options
  • Click OK.

Method 2: For Windows

Here is another method to display developer tab.

  • Right click on Excel ribbon and select customize ribbon.
click on customize the ribbon to add developer tab in excel ribbon
  • In main tab list, tick mark check box for the developer.
  • Click OK.

After following any of the above methods you can activate developer tab in Excel for Windows.

get developer tab in excel ribbon

Note: You can use both of the above methods in Windows version of Excel (2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016) 

Method 3: Excel 2011 for Mac

Here are the steps to add developer tab in Excel 2011 for Mac.

  • Go to Excel Menu → Preferences.
open preferences to add developer tab in Excel 2001 for Mac
  • Click on Ribbon in "Sharing & Privacy Group" and then Click OK.
click on ribbon sharing to add developer tab in Excel 2001 for Mac
  • Now, you will get a pop-up dialog box. In customization section, select Developer Tab & click OK.
from customization section add developer tab in Excel 2011 for Mac

After following any of the above methods you can activate developer tab in Excel 2011 for Mac.

added developer tab in excel 2011 for mac

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