Apply Percentage Format (Excel Shortcut)

- Written by Puneet

Latest Video Tutorial – 10 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts (Probably YOU are NOT Using)

In Excel, while working with data, many times you want to show the data output/results in percentage format instead of showing in number format and you can do this by applying the percentage format to the range of cells where you want to show the numbers in a percentage format.

Users can apply the percentage format manually or very quickly using the keyboard shortcut and, in this tutorial, we have explained the keyboard shortcut to apply the percentage format.

Keyboard Shortcut to Apply Percentage Format in Excel

The keyboard shortcut to apply the percentage format is mentioned below:

Ctrl + Shift + %

Steps to Apply Percentage Format Using Keyboard Shortcut

  • First, select the cells, column(s), or the range of cells, where you want to apply the percentage format.
  • Once selected, simply press the Ctrl + Shift + % Keys together and your number format values will get converted to percentage format.

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