Add Indent (Excel Shortcut)

- Written by Puneet

Latest Video Tutorial – 10 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts (Probably YOU are NOT Using)

In Excel, the indent is used to change (increase or decrease) the text alignment to the left or the right in the cell. Excel by default aligns the text to the left and numbers to the right in the cells.

But, by using the increase-indent you can move the alignment to the right and by the decrease-indent, can move the alignment to the left in the cells.

Shortcut Keys to Add Indent in Excel

The keyboard shortcuts to increase or decrease indent are mentioned below:

Increase Indent


Decrease Indent


Steps to Add Indent Using Keyboard Shortcut

  1. First, select the cell or range of cells, where you want to add the indent.
  2. After that, press the “Alt → H → 6” keys in sequence to move the text to the right in the cells.
  3. Or press the “Alt → H → 5” keys to move the alignment to the left in the cells.
  4. Press the indent shortcut keys multiple times to move the alignment up to a certain required level.

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