Add Comments (Excel Shortcut)

Last Updated: January 10, 2024

- Written by Puneet

Latest Video Tutorial – 10 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts (Probably YOU are NOT Using)

Excel has an option to add comments to the cell by which users can store additional information/comments/actions about that cell and any user who will have the access to that spreadsheet can view and edit those comments.

When a user adds comments to the cell, the red color indicator appears on the top right corner of the cell, which indicates that this cell has some comments added.

Shortcut Keys to Add Comments in Excel

Shift + Fn + F2

Shift + F2

Steps to use Shortcut for Comments

  • First, go to the cell, where you want to add the comment.
  • Now, just press the Shift + Fn + F2 keys together and you will get the comments box opened.

Points to Remember

  • In MS Office 365, the traditional comments option is renamed as notes with no other changes.
  • Users can add comments to one cell at a time.
  • If you copy and paste the cell that has comments then Excel copies and pastes the cell value including comments.
  • In case, you only want to paste the comments, use the “paste special” option and select “Comments” or “Comments and Notes” (in MS Office 365) to paste only the comments.
  • In case, you have multiple comments in the cells and you want to visible all the comments at a time then go to the “Review” tab and select the “Show all Comments” icon.