Microsoft Excel Tutorials
1000+ Excel Tutorials for Office Professionals
- How to use Excel (Basic Introduction to Microsoft Excel)
- Top 10 Benefits of Microsoft Excel – Why YOU Should Learn it
- Top 25 EXCEL SKILLS – All Levels (Basic to Advanced)
- What is VBA in Excel – The Best Way to Excel Programming
- Excel for Accountants (20 Skills to Master for Every Accountant)
- How to use Pivot Tables in Excel - (Complete Guide)
- 82 Keyboard Shortcuts (Free PDF Cheat Sheet to Download)
- The Complete Guide to Conditional Formatting in Excel
- Tips to Describe Your Excel Skills in Your Resume (CV) for a Job
- 200+ Excel Formulas List (Basic + Advanced)
- Top Excel Tips and Tricks (Basic to Advanced + Free PDF)
- Useful Excel Macro [VBA] Codes Examples (Free PDF)
- Top 10 Most Important Excel Functions with Sample Files
- Excel Power Query Tutorial (Get & Transform)
- Types of Charts in Excel + Other Charting Tutorials
Excel Basic Tutorials
- Fill Justify in Excel
- Format Painter in Excel
- Automatically Add Serial Numbers in Excel
- Insert Bullet Points in Excel
- Convert Negative Number into Positive in Excel
- Insert a Timestamp in Excel
- Insert (Type) Degree Symbol in Excel
- Convert a Formula to Value in Excel
- Insert Delta Symbol in Excel in a Cell
- Insert a Check Mark Symbol [Tickmark] in Excel
- Quick Access Toolbar in Excel
- Formula Bar in Excel (Hide, Unhide, and Expand)
- Increase and Decrease Indent in Excel
- Rotate Text in Excel (Text Orientation)
- Remove Filter in Excel
- Show Ruler in Excel
- Add a Header and Footer in Excel
- Merge – Unmerge Cells in Excel
- Insert an Arrow in a Cell in Excel
- Draw a Line in Excel
- Add a Button in Excel
- Spell Check in Excel
- Fill Handle in Excel
- Zoom In or Zoom Out in Excel
- Dialog Box in Excel
- Freeze Panes in Excel
- Excel Options (Mac and Windows)
- Ribbon in Excel
- Alignment in Excel
- Save a File in Excel
- Add Dollar Sign in Excel
- Copy and Paste Values Without Formatting in Excel
- Make First Row Header in Excel
- Copy and Paste Column Width in Excel
- Automatic Rolling Months in Excel
- Keyboard’s Arrow Keys Aren’t Working in Excel (Scroll Lock ON-OFF)
- Open Backstage View in Excel
- Activating the Dark Mode in Excel
- Get the Scroll Bar Back in Excel
- Find and Replace in Excel
- Status Bar in Excel
- Insert Text Box in Excel
Formatting Tutorials
- Make Negative Numbers Red in Excel
- Apply Comma Style in Excel
- Change Date Format in Excel
- Excel Cell Style (Title, Calculation, Total, Headings…)
- Merge Cells without Losing Data in Excel
- Default Font (Change Style, Size, and Color)
- Highlight Top-Bottom N Values in Excel
- Highlight Blank Cells in Excel
- Apply Strikethrough in Excel
- Apply Background Color to a Cell or the Entire Sheet in Excel
- Highlight Alternate Rows in Excel with Color Shade
- How to Hide Zero Values in Excel
- Clear Formatting in Excel
- 5 Best Fonts for Microsoft Excel
- Add Border in Excel
- Copy Formatting in Excel
- Print Excel Gridlines (Remove, Shortcut, & Change Color)
- Apply Accounting Number Format in Excel
- Add Barcode in Excel (Install Font)
- Insert Checkbox in Excel
Range Tutorials
Worksheet Tutorials
Workbook Tutorials
Sorting Tutorials
Printing Tutorials
Conditional Formatting Tutorials
- Formulas in Conditional Formatting
- Use Icon Sets in Excel (Conditional Formatting)
- Remove Conditional Formatting in Excel
- Apply Conditional Formatting on Blank Cells in Excel
- Compare Two Columns using Conditional Formatting in Excel
- Data Bars in Excel using Conditional Formatting
- Find and Highlight Duplicates in Excel using Conditional Formatting
- Apply Multiple Conditions in Conditional Formatting in Excel
- Why Conditional Formatting Not Working in Excel
- Highlight IF a Cell Contains a Specific Text with Conditional Formatting in Excel
- Apply Conditional Formatting Based on a Date
- Applying Color Scales using Conditional Formatting
- Stop IF True in Conditional Formatting
Keyboard Shortcuts
- Open Format Cells Option (Excel Shortcut)
- Clear Contents (Excel Shortcut)
- Strikethrough (Excel Shortcut)
- Merge-Unmerge Cells (Excel Shortcut)
- AutoSum (Excel Shortcut)
- Apply and Remove Filter (Excel Shortcut)
- Find and Replace (Excel Shortcut)
- Print Preview (Excel Shortcut)
- Drag Down (Excel Shortcut)
- Absolute Reference (Excel Shortcut)
- Add Column (Excel Shortcut)
- Add New Sheet (Excel Shortcut)
- Insert - Add Row(s) (Excel Shortcut)
- Auto Fit (Excel Shortcut)
- Delete Row(s) (Excel Shortcut)
- Save As (Excel Shortcut)
- Show Formulas (Excel Shortcut)
- Subscript (Excel Shortcut)
- Check Mark (Excel Shortcut)
- Copy and Paste (Excel Shortcut)
- Cut and Paste (Excel Shortcut)
- Edit Cell (Excel Shortcut)
- Format Painter (Excel Shortcut)
- Freeze Pane (Excel Shortcut)
- Insert Cell (Excel Shortcut)
- Lock Cells (Excel Shortcut)
- Apply Date Format (Excel Shortcut)
- Apply Time Format (Excel Shortcut)
- Delete (Excel Shortcut)
- Open Go To Option (Excel Shortcut)
- Close (Excel Shortcut)
- Delete Cell (Excel Shortcut)
- Fill Color (Excel Shortcut)
- Superscript (Excel Shortcut)
- Undo and Redo (Excel Shortcut)
- Percentage Format (Excel Shortcut)
- Paste Values (Excel Shortcut)
- Select Row (Excel Shortcut)
- Switch Tabs (Excel Shortcut)
- Unhide Columns (Excel Shortcut)
- Wrap Text (Excel Shortcut)
- Zoom-In (Excel Shortcut)
- Add Comments (Excel Shortcut)
- Add Indent (Excel Shortcut)
- Align Center (Excel Shortcut)
- Apply Border (Excel Shortcut)
- Delete Sheet (Excel Shortcut)
- Full Screen (Excel Shortcut)
- Group (Excel Shortcut)
- Hyperlink (Excel Shortcut)
- Transpose (Excel Shortcut)
- Currency Format (Excel Shortcut)
Advanced Tutorials
- Convert PDF File into Excel
- Quick Analysis Tool in Excel
- Excel Slicer (Complete Guide)
- Clear Cache in Excel
- Remove Drop Down List (Data validation) in Excel
- Create a Yes – No Drop Down in Excel
- Apply Multiple Filters to Columns
- Make Excel Default on Mac
- Make Read Only in Excel
- Format Millions with One Decimal in Excel
- All the Merged Cells Need to be the Same Size (Error)
Excel Formulas
- Change to Sentence Case in Excel
- 3D Reference in Excel
- Convert Text to Date in Excel
- DATEDIF Function in Excel
- Custom Date Formats in Excel
- Create a Star Rating Template in Excel
- Calculate Compound Interest in Excel
- R1C1 Reference Style in Excel
- Add Leading Zeros in Excel
- Weighted Average
- Remove Extra Spaces in Excel
- VLOOKUP MATCH Combination in Excel
- SUMPRODUCT IF to Create a Conditional Formula in Excel
- Remove First Character from a Cell in Excel
- Combine IF and OR Functions in Excel
- Combine IF and AND Functions in Excel
- Perform Two Way Lookup in Excel
- Conditional Ranking in Excel using SUMPRODUCT Function [RANKIF]
- Quickly Generate Random Letters in Excel
- Quickly Calculate Ratio in Excel
- SUMIF / SUMIFS with an OR Logic in Excel
- OR Logic in COUNTIF/COUNIFS in Excel
- Get Month from a Date in Excel (Extract Month)
- Get End of the Month Date in Excel
- SUMIFS Date Range (Sum Values Between Two Dates Array)
- Wildcards with VLOOKUP in Excel
- Separate Names in Excel – (First and Last Name)
- IFERROR with VLOOKUP in Excel to Replace #N/A in Excel
- Concatenate (Combine) a Range of Cells in Excel
- VLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria in Excel
- MAX IF in Excel
- Count Words in Excel
- Hide Formula in Excel
- Get Total Days in Month in Excel
- Average TOP 5 Values in Excel
- Get Day Name from a Date in Excel
- Highlight Dates Between Two Dates in Excel
- Calculate Square Root in Excel + Insert Symbol
- SUMIF with Wildcard Characters in Excel
- Reverse VLOOKUP (Backward: From Right to Left ) in Excel
- Calculate Time Difference Between Two Times in Excel
- Get Quarter from a Date [Fiscal + Calendar] in Excel
- Concatenate with a Line Break in Excel
- 100+ Excel Formulas List (Basic + Advanced)
- Round to Nearest .5, 5. 50 (Down-Up) in Excel
- Count Greater Than 0 (COUNTIF) in Excel
- Separate Date and Time in Excel
- Count Between Two Numbers (COUNTIFS) in Excel
- Add Years to Date in Excel
- Capitalize First Letter in Excel
- Add-Subtract Week from a Date in Excel
- IF Negative Then Zero (0) in Excel
- Military Time (Get and Subtract) in Excel
- Get Sheet Name in Excel
- Get Day Number of Year in Excel
- Create a Date Range in Excel
- Calculate Cube Root in Excel
- Add Minutes to Time in Excel
- Count Cells Not Equal To in Excel (COUNTIF)
- Compare Two Dates in Excel
- Convert Date to Number in Excel
- Count Years Between Two Dates in Excel
- Get Years of Service in Excel
- Add Month to a Date in Excel
- Change Time Format in Excel
- Concatenate (Combine) Cells with a Comma in Excel
- Check IF a Date is Before a Particular Date in Excel
- Calculate Weeks Between Two Dates in Excel
- Random Date Generator (Excel Formula) in Excel
- Sum Greater than Values using SUMIF
- Sum Not Equal Values (SUMIFS) in Excel
- Check IF a Value Exists in a Range in Excel
- Count Blank (Empty) Cells using COUNTIF in Excel
- Count Cells Less than a Particular Value (COUNTIF) in Excel
- Count Cells that are Not Blank in Excel
- Count Specific Characters in Excel
- Round a Number to Nearest 1000 in Excel
- Sum Random Cells in Excel
- Add Hours to Time in Excel
- Get First Day of the Month in Excel (Beginning of the Month)
- Change Column to Row (Vice Versa) in Excel
- Calculate Percentage Variance (Difference) in Excel
- Square a Number in Excel
- Sum Only Visible Cells in Excel
- Count Cells with Text in Excel
- Count Unique Values in Excel
- Check IF 0 (Zero) Then Blank in Excel
- Calculate Coefficient of Variation (CV) in Excel
- Does Not Equal Operator in Excel
- IF Cell is Blank (Empty) using IF + ISBLANK in Excel
- Number of Months Between Two Dates in Excel
- Randomize a List (Random Sort) in Excel
- Create a Horizontal Filter in Excel
- Calculate Simple Interest in Excel
- Years Between Dates in Excel
- Compare Two Cells in Excel
- #DIV/0
- Add New Line in a Cell in Excel (Line Break)
- Ignore All the Errors in Excel (Explained)
- Combine Date and Time in Excel
- Extract (Get) Year or Month from a Date in Excel
- Count Filtered Rows in Excel
- Check IF a Cell Contains a Partial Text
- Use SUMIF to Sum Blank Values or Empty Cells
- Sum IF Cell Contains a Specific Text (SUMIF Partial Text)
- SUMIF By Date (Sum Values Based on a Date)
- SUMIF Non-Blank (Sum Values for Non-Empty Cells)
- Combine VLOOKUP with SUMIF
- Sum Values Based on Year (SUMIF Year)
- Add a Total Row in Excel
- Add Seconds to Time
- Quickly Use AutoSum in Excel
- Average Number but Exclude Zeros
- Average But Ignore Errors
- Average Only Non-Blank Cells
- Average of the Percentage Values
- Average of the Time Values
- Count Characters in Excel (Cell and Range)
- Calculate the Cumulative Sum of Values (Excel Formula)
- Get Current Time (Excel Formula)
- Count Days Between Two Dates (COUNTIF Date Range)
- Extract Last Word from a Cell
- Median with IF (Conditional Criteria)
- Convert Month Name to Number
- Remove Line Break from a Cell
- Remove Parentheses in Excel (Brackets)
- Find the Smallest Value from a Range of Cells (Smallest Number)
- Sum Values that are Greater than Zero (SUMIF)
- Perform Divide in Excel
- Get the Latest Stock Price in Excel
- Use Less Than and Equal To Operator in Excel
- Get Max Date from a List of Dates in Excel
- Convert Date into a Text
- Get the Value from a Cell
- Find the Lowest Value from a List of Numbers (N)
- Convert Minutes into Hours and Minutes (HH:MM)
- Get the Most Frequent Number(s) from an Array
- Calculate Nth Root
- Round Percentage Values
- Flip the First & Last Names and Add a Comma Between
- Add-Subtract Percentage from a Number
- Countdown Days
- Create a Dynamic Hyperlink
- Check IF a Cell Value is a Number
- Using INDIRECT with SUM
- If a Cell Value Starts with a Text or a Number
- Get File Path (Excel Formula)
- Convert Seconds to Hours and Minutes
- Sum Values Based on the Month (SUMIF)
- Lookup for the Cell Address Instead of the Value
- Add Commas (Cell-Text)
- Calculate VAT
- Gross Profit (Margin and Ratio)
- Lookup Last Value from a Column or a Row
- #N/A
- Generate Random Groups
- #REF!
- Split a Text using a Space Between
- SUBTOTAL with IF (Conditional SUBTOTAL)
- Remove Unwanted Characters
- Add Space (Single and Multiple)
- Convert to Julian Date
- Substitute Multiple Values (Nested)
- Convert Time to Decimals
- Compare Two Strings (Text)
- CONCATENATE IF (Combine with Condition)
- Count Rows (All, Blank, Non-Blank, and with Numbers)
- Convert a Date into a Month and Year
- Get the Domain from the Email ID
- Get Previous Sunday
- Remove the Last Character from a String
- Running Total
- Sum Values by Group
- VLOOKUP from Another Sheet (Between Sheets)
- Arithmetic Operators in Excel
- Change Text Case (Upper, Lower, Proper)
- Greater Than (>) and Equal To (=) Operator
- Extract Text After and Before a Character in Excel
- Extract Only Numbers from a Text (String)
- Indirect with VLOOKUP
- Match/Compare Two Columns with VLOOKUP
- Remove Commas
- Sum of Squares
- XLOOKUP Return All Matches. Possible?
- XLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria
- Wildcard Characters in Excel
- TRUE and FALSE in Excel (Boolean Values)
- Sum Time in Excel (Excel Formula)
- Convert an Excel Time Value into a Decimal Number (Hours)
- Convert Time Value into Minutes (Excel Formula)
- Convert Time Value into Seconds
- VLOOKUP Dates (VLOOKUP for a Date from Data)
- Business Days in a Month
- Quickly Concatenate Two Dates in Excel
- Sum an Entire Column or a Row in Excel
- Count Total Number of Cells from a Range in Excel
- Get File Name in Excel
- Sum Values Less Than a Particular Value (SUMIF Less Than)
- Combine VLOOKUP and COUNTIF to Count the Occurrences in Excel
Excel Functions
Visual Basic for Applications
- Top 100 Useful Excel Macro [VBA] Codes Examples
- Highlight Duplicate Values using VBA
- VBA MsgBox
- Add Developer Tab on Excel Ribbon | Windows + Mac
- Pivot Table in Excel using VBA (MACRO)
- VBA IF – IF Then Else Statement
- Search on Google using a VBA
- Activate a Sheet using VBA
- Extract Hyperlink Address (URL) VBA
- Create a User Defined Function [UDF] in Excel using VBA
- Personal Macro Workbook (personal.xlsb)
- Add a Comment in a VBA Code (Macro)
- Write a VBA Code to Create a New Sheet in Excel (Macro)
- Excel Visual Basic Editor (Windows + MAC) – The Ultimate Guide
- VBA Select Case
- Record a Macro in Excel
- Option Explicit Statement in VBA
- Run a Macro in Excel (Run a VBA Code)
- VBA ClearContents (from a Cell, Range, or Entire Worksheet)
- Excel VBA Font (Color, Size, Type, and Bold)
- VBA Enter Value in a Cell (Set, Get and Change)
- Excel VBA Range – Working with Range and Cells in VBA
- VBA Immediate Window (Debug.Print)
- Select a Range/Cell using VBA in Excel
- VBA With
- VBA Variables (Declare, Data Types, and Scope)
- VBA Worksheet Function (Use Excel Functions in a Macro)
- VBA AutoFit (Rows, Column, or the Entire Worksheet)
- Add a Line Break in a VBA Code (Single Line into Several Lines)
- Add a New Line (Carriage Return) in a String in VBA
- VBA FOR LOOP (For Next, For Each) – The Guide + Examples
- Excel VBA Do While Loop and (Do Loop While) – A Guide
- VBA Wrap Text (Cell, Range, and Entire Worksheet)
- DELETE a SHEET using VBA in Excel
- VBA Loops (Beginner to Advanced) – A Guide
- RENAME a Sheet using VBA in Excel
- VBA Array
- Random Number
- SELECT ALL the Cells in a Worksheet using a VBA Code
- Merge Cells in Excel using a VBA Code
- Copy and Move a Sheet in Excel using VBA
- VBA Check IF a Sheet Exists
- Paste Values using a VBA Code in Excel
- Invalid Qualifier Error in VBA
- VBA Exit For Statement to Break a Loop
- VBA Functions
- Hide & Unhide a Sheet using VBA in Excel
- Loop Through All the Sheets using VBA in Excel
- CLEAR an Entire Sheet using VBA in Excel
- VBA Worksheet Object -Working with Excel Worksheet in VBA
- PROTECT and UNPROTECT a Sheet using VBA in Excel
- COUNT Sheets using VBA in Excel
- VBA Create New Workbook (Excel File)
- VBA ThisWorkbook (Current Excel File)
- VBA Activate Workbook (Excel File)
- VBA Rename Workbook (Excel File)
- VBA Save Workbook (Excel File)
- VBA Check IF a Workbook Exists in a Folder (Excel File)
- VBA Workbook – A Guide to Work with Workbooks in VBA
- VBA Close Workbook (Excel File)
- VBA Delete Workbook (Excel File)
- VBA Combine Workbooks (Excel Files)
- VBA Protect/Unprotect Workbook (Excel File)
- ActiveCell in VBA in Excel
- VBA Check IF a Workbook is Open (Excel File)
- VBA Open Workbook (Excel File)
- UsedRange Property in VBA in Excel
- VBA Range Offset
- Use a Range or a Cell as a Variable in VBA
- VBA Named Range | (Static + from Selection + Dynamic)
- Insert a Row using VBA in Excel
- VBA Insert Column (Single and Multiple)
- VBA Check IF a Cell is Empty + Multiple Cells
- Find Last Row, Column, and Cell using VBA in Excel
- VBA Copy Range to Another Sheet + Workbook
- Special Cells Method in VBA in Excel
- Apply Borders on a Cell using VBA in Excel
- VBA Dynamic Array
- VBA Sort Range | (Descending, Multiple Columns, Sort Orientation
- VBA Add New Value to the Array
- VBA Array with Strings
- VBA Multi-Dimensional Array
- VBA Loop Through an Array
- VBA Array Length (Size)
- VBA Search for a Value in an Array
- VBA Sort Array
- VBA Concatenate
- VBA Status Bar (Hide, Show, and Progress)
- Delete a Row using VBA in Excel
- Using the COUNTIF Function in VBA in Excel (Code)
- VBA Module
- VBA ScreenUpdating
- VBA Wait and Sleep Commands to Pause and Delay
- VBA Dim Statement
- VBA Exit Sub Statement
- VBA Subscript Out of Range Runtime Error (Error 9)
- VBA Automation Error (Error 440)
- VBA Type Mismatch Error (Error 13)
- VBA Runtime Error (Error 1004)
- VBA Object Required Error (Error 424)
- VBA Out of Memory Error (Error 7)
- VBA Object Doesn’t Support this Property or Method Error (Error 438)
- VBA Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument Error (Error 5)
- VBA Overflow Error (Error 6)
- VBA Error 400
- VBA Range to an Array
- VBA Clear Array (Erase)
- VBA IF OR (Test Multiple Conditions)
- VBA IF And (Test Multiple Conditions)
- VBA Nested IF
- VBA Exit IF
- VBA IF Not
- VBA Objects
- VBA ERROR Handling
- VBA Create and Write to a Text File
- Count Rows using VBA in Excel
- VBA GoTo Statement
- Excel VBA Hide and Unhide a Column or a Row
- VBA Constants
- Declare Global Variable (Public) in VBA
- VBA Interview Questions
- Variable in a Message Box
- Get Today’s Date and Current Time using VBA
- VBA Calculate (Cell, Range, Row, & Workbook)
- Copy an Excel File (Workbook) using VBA – Macro Code
- Sum Values in Excel using VBA
- Average Values in Excel using VBA
- Loop Through a Range using VBA (Columns, Row, and UsedRange)
- Input Box in VBA
- Match Function in VBA
- MOD in VBA
- Save an Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (.xlsm File Type)
- Use Not Equal Operator in VBA in Excel (Code)
- VBA FileDateTime Function
- ByVal in VBA
- Using VLOOKUP in a VBA Code
- Delete a Column using VBA